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Configuring Anti-Xray

Originally written and maintained by stonar96.

Paper includes an obfuscation-based Anti-Xray with two modes, configurable on a per world basis.

Per World Configuration

If you aren't already familiar with per world configuration, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Configuration Guide.

This guide is a step-by-step walk-through for configuring Anti-Xray. For reference documentation, refer to the Anti-Xray section of the Per-World Configuration Reference.

Anti-Xray has two different modes. engine-mode: 1 replaces specified blocks (hidden-blocks) with other "fake" blocks, stone (deepslate at y < 0), netherrack, or end_stone based on the dimension. In contrast, engine-mode: 2 will replace both hidden-blocks and replacement-blocks with randomly generated hidden-blocks.

The following images1 show how each mode will look for a player using Xray with the recommended configuration in both the overworld and nether.

Overworld Anti-Xray Comparison Nether Anti-Xray Comparison

Especially on the client side, engine-mode: 1 is much less computationally intensive, while engine-mode: 2 may better prevent Xray. With engine-mode: 1, only ores that are entirely covered by solid blocks will be hidden. Ores exposed to air in caves or water from a lake will not be hidden. With engine-mode: 2, fake ores obstruct the view of real blocks. If air is added to hidden-blocks, engine-mode: 2 will effectively hide all ores, even those exposed to air.

Anti-Xray Bypasses

Range Extension: While Anti-Xray alone will prevent the majority of users from Xraying on your server, it is not by any means infallible. Because of how Anti-Xray is (and has to be) implemented, it is possible to, on a default server, extend the range of real ores you can see by a not insignificant amount. This can be mitigated by any competent anti-cheat plugin; however, this is not included out of the box.

Seed Reversing: Another attack vector is the deterministic nature of Minecraft's world generation. If the client is able to obtain the world seed, it is able to know the real location of every generated ore, completely bypassing Anti-Xray. This can be partially worked around by making it harder for the client to reverse the world seed with the feature-seeds configuration, in conjunction with the structure seed options in spigot.yml. Note that this is not a complete solution, and it may still be possible for a client to obtain the server's world seed. Using a different seed for each world may also be beneficial.

Ores Exposed to Air: In both engine-mode: 1 and engine-mode: 2, it is possible for a client to view ores that are exposed to air. This can be mitigated in engine-mode: 2 by adding air to the hidden-blocks list. However, doing this may cause client performance issues (FPS drops) for some players.

The recommended configuration for both engine-mode: 1 and engine-mode: 2 is as follows:


YAML cares about whitespace! The example configuration below is already formatted correctly. Ensure formatting and indentation remains unchanged by using the "copy" button in the top right of each example. Especially ensure that no tabulators are accidentally inserted. Check your editor's options for using spaces instead of tabulators for indentation. If your configuration file already contains other important changes, it is recommended to make a backup before editing it.

engine-mode: 1

Default World Configuration

Replace the existing anticheat.anti-xray block in paper-world-defaults.yml with the following:

enabled: true
engine-mode: 1
# There's no chance to hide dungeon chests as they are entirely surrounded by air, but buried treasures will be hidden.
- chest
- coal_ore
- deepslate_coal_ore
- copper_ore
- deepslate_copper_ore
- raw_copper_block
- diamond_ore
- deepslate_diamond_ore
- emerald_ore
- deepslate_emerald_ore
- gold_ore
- deepslate_gold_ore
- iron_ore
- deepslate_iron_ore
- raw_iron_block
- lapis_ore
- deepslate_lapis_ore
- redstone_ore
- deepslate_redstone_ore
lava-obscures: false
# As of 1.18 some ores are generated much higher.
# Please adjust the max-block-height setting at your own discretion.
# might be helpful.
max-block-height: 64
# The replacement-blocks list is not used in engine-mode: 1. Changing this will have no effect.
replacement-blocks: []
update-radius: 2
use-permission: false

Nether Configuration

Copy and paste into your paper-world.yml within your nether world folder. See the Configuration Guide for more information.

enabled: true
engine-mode: 1
- ancient_debris
- nether_gold_ore
- nether_quartz_ore
lava-obscures: false
max-block-height: 128
# The replacement-blocks list is not used in engine-mode: 1. Changing this will have no effect.
replacement-blocks: []
update-radius: 2
use-permission: false

End Configuration

Copy and paste into your paper-world.yml within your end world folder. See the Configuration Guide for more information.

enabled: false

engine-mode: 2

Default World Configuration

Replace the existing anticheat.anti-xray block in paper-world-defaults.yml with the following:

enabled: true
engine-mode: 2
# You can add air here such that many holes are generated.
# This works well against cave finders but may cause client FPS drops for all players.
- air
- copper_ore
- deepslate_copper_ore
- raw_copper_block
- diamond_ore
- deepslate_diamond_ore
- gold_ore
- deepslate_gold_ore
- iron_ore
- deepslate_iron_ore
- raw_iron_block
- lapis_ore
- deepslate_lapis_ore
- redstone_ore
- deepslate_redstone_ore
lava-obscures: false
# As of 1.18 some ores are generated much higher.
# Please adjust the max-block-height setting at your own discretion.
# might be helpful.
max-block-height: 64
# Chest is a tile entity and can't be added to hidden-blocks in engine-mode: 2.
# But adding chest here will hide buried treasures, if max-block-height is increased.
- chest
- amethyst_block
- andesite
- budding_amethyst
- calcite
- coal_ore
- deepslate_coal_ore
- deepslate
- diorite
- dirt
- emerald_ore
- deepslate_emerald_ore
- granite
- gravel
- oak_planks
- smooth_basalt
- stone
- tuff
update-radius: 2
use-permission: false

Nether Configuration

Copy and paste into your paper-world.yml within your nether world folder. See the Configuration Guide for more information.

enabled: true
engine-mode: 2
# See note about air and possible client performance issues above.
- air
- ancient_debris
- bone_block
- glowstone
- magma_block
- nether_bricks
- nether_gold_ore
- nether_quartz_ore
- polished_blackstone_bricks
lava-obscures: false
max-block-height: 128
- basalt
- blackstone
- gravel
- netherrack
- soul_sand
- soul_soil
update-radius: 2
use-permission: false

End Configuration

Copy and paste into your paper-world.yml within your end world folder. See the Configuration Guide for more information.

enabled: false

FAQ, Common Pitfalls and Support

I can still see (some) ores / use X-ray

As described above, there are several reasons why you might still see (some) ores even though you have enabled Anti-Xray:

  • The ores are above the configured max-block-height value.
  • Anti-Xray cannot hide ores exposed to air or other transparent blocks (in caves for example). In principle this is also the case for engine-mode: 2, however, usually the fake ores obstruct the view of real blocks. Hiding those exposed ores too requires additional plugins.
  • The use-permission option is enabled and you have the Anti-Xray bypass permission or you have operator status.
  • The block type is missing in the configured block lists. This can be the result of using an outdated configuration file.
I have added fake blocks but X-ray doesn't show them

If you use engine-mode: 2 and you have added fake blocks to the hidden-blocks list but you can't see them in-game using X-ray, this can have the following reasons:

  • The added block types are tile entities. Anti-Xray can hide (replace) tile entities (such as chests), provided that they are not exposed to air or other transparent blocks. However, Anti-Xray can't place tile entities as fake blocks into the chunk.
  • The block is disabled in your client's X-ray mod or not shown by your X-ray resource pack.
It doesn't work below y = 0 or in certain other places.
  • Your configuration file is probably outdated and missing important blocks in the replacement-blocks list, such as deepslate or biome-specific blocks, such as basalt. You might also want to check if the hidden-blocks list includes all important ores and their deepslate variants.
  • If it doesn't work above a certain y-level, check your max-block-height setting.
It still doesn't work, further troubleshooting
  • Make sure to always restart your server after making changes to the Anti-Xray configuration. Changes won't be applied automatically.
  • Do not use the /reload command. To apply Anti-Xray configuration changes a restart is required.
  • After restarting the server, verify that the configuration is applied correctly by inspecting the config sections with timings or spark.
How and where do I ask for support if it still doesn't work?

If the above bullet points don't solve your problem or if you have further questions about Anti-Xray, please don't hesitate to ask us on the PaperMC Discord using the #paper-help channel. Please try to provide as much detail as possible about your problem. "It doesn't work" isn't very helpful when asking for support. Describe what you want to achieve, what you have tried, what you expect and what you observe. Ideally include a timings or spark link and a picture what you observe in-game.


  1. Image design by Oberfail, initially posted in the PaperMC Discord.